For a lot of kids, at least around here in Metro Vancouver, today marks the first day back to school after summer vacation. It’s typically not a full day; just homeroom orientation and meeting your teacher for the year. But, what about all the parents in the audience? What are you going to do with all that “free time” now? Obviously, you’ll want to pick up some Kindle books to read, right? What if I told you they’re on sale for just 99 cents each?

Okay, okay, so pardon the bit of self-promotion here. As you may already know, I’ve authored a couple of books. To celebrate back to school week, I’ve discounted the Kindle books down to just 99 cents. That’s a discount of up to 71 percent off the regular price.

Here’s a quick refresher on the two Kindle books I’ve got on sale.

Beyond the Margins is geared toward people interested in getting into freelancing, either as a side hustle or as a full-time career. It’s written from the perspective of freelance writing, since that’s what I do, but many of its key insights and lessons are easily applicable to any number of other disciplines too.

I call it an “an indispensable guide,” because it covers all the basics. Some of the sections include: Prepare a Proper Working Space; Decide on a Niche or Choose to Diversify; Realize No Pond Is Too Big for Your Small Fish; Find Your Personal Source of Motivation; and Stop Wishing and Start Doing. Amazon user writermelle says:

I often read blogs – and a lot of kindle books on freelance writing and similar topics – this is by FAR the best book.

If you’ve ever thought about starting a freelance business, Beyond the Margins can serve as your initial roadmap.

Beyond the Baby Babble doesn’t serve so much as a “how-to” guide. Instead, it documents my first year of “surviving life as a work-at-home dad.” A huge part of that, understandably, has to do with the “dad” aspect of the experience. Changing diapers, dealing with bedtime routines, and all the rest of us.

It also has to do with navigating traditional gender expectations, challenging the stereotype of the incompetent dad. Yes, even from well-meaning family and friends. Be the change, right? And I’m not just talking about blowouts and the lack of change tables in men’s restrooms either. Can having a kid actually boost your productivity? Or do they just hurt you right in the wallet?

Fellow dad blogger Stacey Robinsmith said of Beyond the Baby Babble:

I picked up and read Michael’s latest book from cover to cover over a weekend at my cabin. That is the first time in a very long time that a book held my interest from cover to cover.

The sale price on these Kindle books runs until Sunday night. Happy reading!