Branded Partnership Opportunities

Hate boring content?

So do I.

I’ve partnered with Disney on Ice, Healthy Family Expo, Altitude Sports and other brands to create compelling, authentic content. Let’s tell your story too.

Interested in learning more?


Branded Content

Fully original, authentic and creative approach to telling your organization’s story. Custom-tailored for maximum impact.

Display Ads

Highlight your products and services in front of readers who want to learn more. Fantastic for brand awareness.

Social Media

From YouTube videos to Instagram stories, Facebook  posts and Twitter mentions, get the word out. Excellent opportunities for engagement.

Recent Branded Content

Cool Stuff for Cool Dads This Summer

Cool Stuff for Cool Dads This Summer

Spend any amount of time surfing around on social media these days, and you'll probably come across one person talking about "hot girl summer." That's clearly not me. Instead, what I've got for you today is what I'd like to call "cool dad summer." Socks with sandals...

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GIVEAWAY: Win a Cuisinart Air Fryer ($200 Value)

GIVEAWAY: Win a Cuisinart Air Fryer ($200 Value)

There you are, scrolling your way through your Instagram feed. Oh, look at Stephen and his awesome Cantonese style crispy pork belly ("siu yuk"). Oh, look at Stacey and his decadent crescent rolled-wrapped Oreos, dusted with icing sugar. Do you know what these dishes...

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GIVEAWAY: Win Tickets to Disney on Ice in Vancouver

GIVEAWAY: Win Tickets to Disney on Ice in Vancouver

So, you know how Disney on Ice is coming to Vancouver next month? How would you and your family like to go? What if I told you I was giving away a family four-pack of tickets? Why am I asking so many questions? But, seriously, you can win tickets to Disney on Ice...

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Past Partners

True Key Hotels & Resorts
Science World Vancouver
Ford Canada
Healthy Family Living Vancouver
Metro Vancouver

Michael somehow manages to balance dad-hood with humor, a certain level of nerdiness and having met his little one, he’s killing it with raising the best little human he can. He’s a big part of our local community in North Burnaby!

Tara Jensen

British Columbia Mom

By the Numbers

Twitter Followers

Instagram Followers

Facebook Followers

YouTube Subscribers


Reader interests (according to Google Analytics) include shopping, travel, entertainment, green living, health and fitness, technology, career, and productivity software, among other categories.

Blog Readers

  • Ages 18-24 23% 23%
  • Ages 25-34 31% 31%
  • Ages 35-44 17% 17%
  • Ages 45-54 14% 14%
  • Male 46% 46%
  • Female 54% 54%
  • Canada  14% 14%
  • United States  48% 48%
  • China 6% 6%
  • United Kingdom 5% 5%

Social Media Fans

  • Ages 18-24 3% 3%
  • Ages 25-34 20% 20%
  • Ages 35-44 42% 42%
  • Ages 45-54 22% 22%
  • Male 43% 43%
  • Female 57% 57%
  • Canada  74% 74%
  • United States  17% 17%
  • United Kingdom 1% 1%

What I Offer

Focusing on family, food and freelancing, Beyond the Rhetoric addresses the challenges of modern fatherhood through the lens of a work-at-home dad who’s fueled by caffeine and Wi-Fi. It’s about living a digital lifestyle with meaning and purpose. Let’s integrate your brand messaging with an engaging narrative that will resonate with readers.

Branded Content
The best option for telling your story and really engaging with the audience is through branded content. Also called sponsored content or advertorials, branded content features your product or service front and center, relating how it can best benefit readers.

Branded content can take on the form of a written blog post, product review, giveaway, gift guide inclusion, event coverage, or even a featured video. The aim is to combine entertainment and information in a meaningful way, all while supporting your brand’s key marketing objectives. All packages are custom created and can benefit from social sharing as well.

Past partners include Canadian Men’s Health Foundation, Metropolis at Metrotown, Pine-Sol, Grammarly, and Club Med, among others.

Social Media

Get noticed and engage with followers on social media. I have an active presence on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, as well as on YouTube. Get featured in a vlog, highlighted in an Instagram story, presented in a Facebook post, or mentioned on Twitter… it’s up to you! Let’s tell your story together.

Display Advertising

Banner ads appear in the sidebar and footer of the website, across all pages.

  • Sidebar: 160×600 skyscraper or similar (in rotation of 3)
  • Footer: 125×125 square (fixed placement of 4)

Both placements allow for animated GIFs but not Flash. Custom alt and title text is offered and all links are nofollow.

Don’t be shy. Drop me a line.

14 + 5 =


Michael Kwan
Hi, I'm Michael. By day, I'm a writer and editor. By night, I'm still a writer and editor. I'm also an engaged work-at-home dad, a voracious foodie, an avid traveler, and a thinker who thinks he might be thinking too much. Beyond the Rhetoric is a reflection of my eclectic life, fueled by caffeine and Wi-Fi.

Buy Me A Coffee

