Addie is back today with another “original” short story to share with all of you. Here is my best attempt to transcribe the story as the almost 6-year-old dictated it to me. This is a work of fiction. So, any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events or previously published fairy tales is purely coincidental.

Once upon a time, there was a princess. But then, there was a dragon and he was very noisy. But, of course, a knight came to save the princess. His name was Jax. The princess’ name was Nanny.

Drawing of dragon, knight, princess

Nanny was so frightened. And, of course, Jax just raced to the dragon and cut in his belly. But then, Jax saw a mark on the dragon’s belly. And then, “It would be a delightful thing to cut him,” he said.

And then, someone said, “Help!” It was the princess in the castle. And there was fire inside.

Children's drawing of castle on fire

And then, he rescued into the castle, entered the castle and then save her. And then they lived happily ever after.

The end.

Missed Addie’s other story? “Emma and Emily” is a tale of mean girls and the power of friendship. Thank you for reading.