What's Up Wednesdays: The Night Owl

Every Wednesday, I gather up a selection of blog posts from around the web that I think are worth reading. Today, we start with Mike Vardy and his explanation as to why he writes well after 9 pm. As a night owl, he found that trying to rewire himself into a morning person just seemed counterproductive. For the most part, I agree, though the challenges of the third shift may beg to differ. Either way, you should work when you feel the most productive and the most creative.

The days go by in a blur and before Jamie Dunlop Khau even realized it, her youngest had graduated from preschool. For her, it’s not only about this sense of hanging on to her daughter’s childhood, but also about letting go of a certain part of herself. When such a significant part of her identity has been formed around being home with the kids, it’s a strange feeling to have them all off to school during the day.

The blog you once knew as Vancity Mommy D by Janette Shearer has now been relaunched as Ava to Zoe. In one of her first posts under the new banner, Janette explores some nutritional concerns for children during her visit to Loblaws City Market in North Vancouver. Every parent wants to make sure their kids are getting the healthy food they need to grow up big and strong. Did you know that Loblaws has an in-store dietitian to answer any questions you might have?

With the summer comes all sorts of incredible festivals and wonderful activities for the whole family. Dan Blank reminds us that we should all celebrate the arts in our own hometowns. Go out to the jazz festival and support those musicians. Watch an outdoor play and support that theater company. The arts add an immeasurable value to the culture of any city and the lives of its residents. You can even organize your own festival if you’re up for it!

Finally, radio personality and online media mogul Buzz Bishop has flown halfway around the world with his family to Australia, enduring a 14-hour flight to the land down under. This is in addition to the commuter flight they had to take from Calgary to Vancouver. That’s almost as long as when we took our trip to Australia, which took us from Vancouver to Hong Kong to Brisbane before finally landing in Cairns as our first destination.