GottaCon 2014

One of the best things about an event like GottaCon is that it is very inclusive in celebrating so many aspects of geek and gaming culture. Some gaming events can feel very intimidating as you hear about those touting the supremacy of the PC gaming master race, for instance, but that’s not what GottaCon is about. It’s about everyone coming together and having a good time. And that’s a big part of why I’m happy to be returning this year.

You might recall that I went last year. I helped out at one of the vendor booths, educating attendees on some cool tech we had on display, and I was also invited to speak on a couple of the expert panels. As a quick refresher, take a look at the recap post on MEGATechNews. With GottaCon 2015, the organizers are going even bigger, even bolder, and hopefully even better.

As with 2014, there will still be a large PC gaming LAN area with some major tournaments and this computer gaming area has increased significantly in size. Along with PC gaming, they’ve got console gaming tournaments, as well as tournaments and events for fans of trading card games, role-playing games, minis, cosplay and more.

If you plan on being in the Victoria, BC area the weekend of February 27 to March 1, be sure to come on by and say hello. I’ll be spending most of my time over at the Futurelooks and MEGATechNews booth where we’ll have some great products to show from our sponsors. Check the GottaCon website for more information about tickets and registration.

Who knows? The good folks at Kingston might be rocking out with some karaoke again…