Every Wednesday, I share some interesting blog posts from around the Internet. Here is today’s collection. If you want to be a part of a future speedlink, you’ll want to contact me via Twitter with the appropriate link to your post. Cheers!

The Simple Dollar starts us off with a very simple but simultaneously profound piece of advice. No matter where you are today, you can always do better. It doesn’t matter if you’re currently down in the dumps or flying on cloud nine; you can always improve your situation.

Ed Lau already tried the mee goreng at Hawker’s Delight in Vancouver, but he still prefers Prata Man in Richmond instead. He admits that he is no expert in Singaporean cuisine, but Ed totally digs the noodles being offered at the local eatery. And it’s cheap too.

Lesley Chang came across a tweet from ICBC’s Senior Media Relations Advisor that discusses the point of Twitter for businesses. Lesley firmly believes that these corporate Twitter accounts should be more than just an extension of the customer service line and I agree; it’s about engaging with your customers and colleagues.

Bob Buskirk recognizes the importance of networking and that’s why he shares ways that you can connect with people in your area. More specifically, he shares a few places where you can connect with his Pittsburgh peeps. You can likely find many similar networks in your own area, including meetups, tweetups, and professional organizations. Networking is critical!

Kimm Mitchell has been quite the busy gal these last few weeks. All she’s been doing, according to her own estimates, is eating, sleeping, and paddling. Not that she’s complaining, since Kimm totally loves to hit the water for some dragon boat racing action.