Which dog are you? What breed would you be?

I’ve been having some fun interacting with my Twitter followers these past few days. You may have noticed my recent posts on Twitter questions and music at work. Well, I turned back to the Twitter community to get a glimpse into the kinds of personalities that follow me through the Twitterverse.

Want to be featured in a future edition of the Twitter Question of the Day (QOTD)? You’ll need to follow me on Twitter and, well, answer the questions that I pose. Here’s one that I asked yesterday. I wonder how Dog Whisperer Cesar Millan would respond.

I asked:
If you were reincarnated as a dog, what breed would you be? Why?

You answered:
betshopboy @michaelkwan I want to be a slumdog because even slumdog can be a millionaire! haha!!
dylanduarte @michaelkwan Definitely a pug. On the outside, I look like an flabby idiot, but on the inside I’m actually a little intelligent.
dereksemmler @michaelkwan I’d be a mutt…pure breds are too precocious. Mutts are scrappy and tenacious yet can be insanely loyal as well.
TylerIngram @michaelkwan boxer! they are always over stimulated and look happy!
flagusco @michaelkwan a st bernard rescue dog so i would always have whiskey on hand.
dcrblogs @michaelkwan A chihuahua, because they get spoiled probably more than any other dog. 😉