When I logged into the WordPress admin tool this morning, I discovered that some blog called Nice4Rice linked to me. Upon further inspection, it wasn’t just a backlink, it was a full featured article showcasing yours truly. Without even asking for it, Spud Oregon — known to his mother as Nick Ramsay — reviewed my blog. Ramsay is a British blogger who is currently in Japan teaching English.

Unlike most other blogs that I visit on a regular basis, such as John Chow dot Com and Kumiko’s Cash Quest, Nice4Rice does something completely different. Sure, he does talk about making money online, but he does it by poking his way around the blogosphere and highlighting sites that are worth visiting (like mine). This is a welcome change.


Here’s a short excerpt from the review:

As you would expect from a professional writer, Michael captivates the reader (or at least me) with all manner of articles. I found myself watching a video of a two-year old opening his birthday present, reading about another movie I wasn’t expecting – Transformers, and finally checking out BTR’s Top Posts list and considering donating to former Saved by the Bell star “Screech”, who is apparently now broke.

Anyways, he has a system set up where if you like a particular article or the subject material, you can vote it up by “giving it rice”. Nice4Rice.com is still a very young blog, but I love the cartoony design of the site. It’s openly friendly and inviting, a sharp contrast to many of the blogs out there that take themselves too seriously.

Check out the article on Beyond the Rhetoric and give me rice!