Okay, this might be a little random, but it almost seems like the perfect marriage between two otherwise disparate groups of geeks. What do you get when you combine Optimus Prime, Megatron, Grimlock, and the rest of the Autobot vs. Decepticon universe with the likes of Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, and Chewbacca? I’ll tell you what you get. You get the Millenium Falcon Transformer. Yes, a transformer version of everyone’s favorite intergallactic fighter. Arguably, this is the best toy of all time and it ain’t for the kiddies in the crowd.

Check out this link over at Gizmodo if you don’t believe me. This toy…er, action figure (?)…collectible (?) is the real deal and apparently, for the time being at least, it’s a Canada-only release (apparently through Toys R Us). Take that, Yankees! We’re geekier than you… wait a minute…

Millenium Falcon Transformer