Sunday Snippet: D. H. Lawrence (1885 - 1930)

“Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you’ve got to say, and say it hot.”

It is better to stand there and look the fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. At the same time, there are people who enjoy hearing the sound of their own voices, so they’ll talk for the simple sake of talking rather than actually having something of substance to say. And perhaps this comes back to the notion of my personality type and how I typically prefer to keep to myself unless I really have something to add to the conversation.

Depending on your perspective, you may interpret such behavior as being aloof or rude or weird; it’s not that at all. (Well, it might be weird, but that’s for another discussion for another day.) Instead, it has a lot more to do with the strategic expenditure of energy and effort. As an introvert, social interactions can be positively exhausting. Given the option, I’d rather not be the center of attention and I’d rather take on the role of the quiet thinker, philosopher and observer.

It may be true that I majored in my worst subject in school over a decade ago, but I did decide to minor in English Literature and one of the authors we were presented was D. H. Lawrence. In the quote above, the English novelist and poet echoes the sentiment of picking your spots.

If you really don’t have anything to say, it’s okay to keep quiet. However, if something really does capture your interest and you have objectives you’d like to accomplish, you will feel compelled to speak. Under those circumstances, you shouldn’t simply whisper your thoughts, muttering under your breath. You should let your passion guide you and “say it hot.” Be loud. Be proud. Be unforgiving.

This just may be at the heart of great writing and incredible poetry. Let that fire come burning through your words and you may spark a “grand tradition” of your own.