
What’s happening in the wonderful digital world of blogging? Let’s dive in and have a look.

We start off with a story from Stacey Robinsmith. He tells us about his retired neighbor and how he threw away the alarm clock when he retired, living on his own schedule and drinking beer first thing in the morning. When you have no real obligations, who cares when you wake up? I enjoy some freedom of time as a work-from-home freelancer, but I’m still not an AM brewsky kind of guy. Yet.

It’s amazing to think that Joseph Planta has recorded over 900 interviews over the lifetime of On the Line on TheCommentary.ca (some of which include me). For one of his most recent, he chatted with Stephen Hui from the Georgia Straight about vegan and vegetarian food in Vancouver. I’m not necessarily opposed to vegetarian food, but I certainly enjoy eating my meat. Vancouver is one of the best culinary cities in the world and there is surely a place for vegan cuisine here.

You might know Chris Golden from his work on the Canucks Hockey Blog. He also happens to be something of a gamer, but just as he received confirmation that his PlayStation 4 had been shipped, his PlayStation 3 died. He suspects it has to do with the optical drive, but he’s not sure if he wants to bother with the $100 repair cost. Should he get another PS3 or just migrate completely to the (not backwards compatible) PS4?

My interest in space has grown these last few years, thanks to people like Neil deGrasse Tyson. That’s why I’m quite jealous that Rebecca Bollwitt got to attend the kickoff of Science World’s Innovators Speaker Series with HootSuite’s Ryan Holmes and Canadian astronaut Colonel Chris Hadfield. The former commander of the International Space Station reminded us that “we are just not passengers on the planet; we are all crew.”

And finally, we have some interesting advice from Michel Fortin. He says that when you are writing blog posts or articles, don’t write for your audience. Instead, write for your audience’s friends. Liking and sharing through the numerous social media channels has become the lifeblood of any content producer, so write with the friends, family, fans, followers and foes of your readers in mind.

Image credit: Cathy Browne