Okay, so the title needs some work, but I couldn’t think of anything else off the top of my head that would achieve the same level of alliteration. Ed Lau likes doing this on Sundays so that he can call it Speed Link Sunday, whereas Stephen Fung gives out a high five. Should I develop my own branding too? Beyond the Blogosphere, maybe?

King Nomar talks briefly about life without the internet. I endured a full five days unplugged from the world wide web last week, and let me tell you, it was quite the surreal experience, especially considering that 100% of my money is made online as a freelance writer. Can you disconnect?

Dosh Dosh encourages you to ditch that fugly Microsoft Internet Explorer and opt for the wonderfulness found through Firefox. Explorer Destroyer is highlighted, because it presents an opportunity for you to make money by referring people to Firefox… a dollar at a time.

Jane May, the same person behind Career Ramblings, tells us why less Adsense means more money for you. Although it’s a single case study — you might want to avoid jumping to any conclusions — there’s plenty of interesting info inside.

The Daily Kimchi gives us an awesome video that features Stephen Colbert singing in Korean. This is in response to being bumped from the number one spot on Time Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People of the Year by K-pop sensation Rain.

Kumiko Suzuki will soon be departing from the restrictive environment of Blogspot. Yup, she finally bought her own domain. Could this be because she’s on the cusp on breaking into four figures of online income?