By now, you’re probably tired of hearing about how these are “unprecedented times.” And how during these “uncertain times,” we have to be willing to adapt as we go. That’s very true. Over the course of this ongoing pandemic, we’ve never been completely sure what next week would look like, let alone next month or several months from now. That’s why we also weren’t sure whether #5DadsGoWild Part 3 was going to happen at all.
When they announced the re-opening of BC provincial parks for overnight camping, we saw a glimmer of hope. We also recognized that if our annual dads camping trip was going to happen, we’d have to do it with “an abundance of caution.” So, I have some good news. Indeed, #5DadsGoWild Part 3 is a go. It just won’t look quite like the previous two outings. Here’s what you can expect from 5 Dads Go Wild 2020.
Some Things Stay the Same
As you might recall, the first year we went camping, I had no idea what I was doing. That very much stays the same. As much as I would like to say I’m a seasoned camper at this point with a solid two years of experience under my belt, I still have no idea what I’m doing.

Other things that we expect to stay (mostly) the same for this third outing:
- A group of dad bloggers heading into the BC wilderness for a few days
- Getting (mostly) off the grid so we can bond over dad things and have real conversations
- Documenting our experience with creative content, including blogs, vlogs and social media posts
- Collaborating with awesome brands and companies
- Probably overcoming some unexpected mishaps and misadventures
Joining me in the woods will be Stacey Robinsmith of A Dad in the Burbs, James Smith of, and Stephen Fung of, um, Stephen Fung?
What’s New with #5DadsGoWild Part 3?
Unsurprisingly, just like everything else going on in the world right now, #5DadsGoWild Part 3 is going to be a bit different in other ways too. “This is not forever,” as Dr. Henry has said so many times, “but it is for now.”

So, what’s new for the 2020 camping trip?
- You likely noticed one very notable name missing from the list of dad bloggers above. Dale Allen Berg, winner of the 2019 Canadian Dad Blogger of the Year, unfortunately won’t be joining us for this trip. While we’re sad he won’t be there (we’ll miss his legendary Bananas Foster for sure!), we also completely understand that “real life” has to take priority over our silly dad camping trip.
- In an effort to respect social distancing guidelines, we will not be at our usual group camping site. Instead, we’ve booked several individual camp sites that will be next to one another. That way, we can each have our own space, but we can still connect with one another in a responsible manner.
- Rather than the end of September, we’re going camping toward the end of August. You remember how my tent collapsed under the snow last year. It looks like we’re trading snow for clouds of mosquitoes.
- We won’t indulge in our apparent annual tradition of hot pot in the woods. Hot pot is a very communal dining experience, so it’d be wise to err on the side of caution for this one.

The “New Normal” of Dad Camping
Okay, I’m going to throw out one last term that you’re probably tired of hearing by now too: new normal. I really had no idea what I was signing up for when I agree to the first camping trip in 2018. And for the 2020 edition, there are still a lot of unknowns about how all of this will pan out. We’re in a new location, we’re camping in separate spots, and we won’t be “hanging out” in the same way as we did the past two years.
But, we’re still doing this thing. While I can’t tell you exactly what you might expect from #5DadsGoWild Part 3, I can tell you that you’ll enjoy joining this on this journey. Virtually, of course, from a responsible social distance. Until then, relive last year’s adventures via the vlogs embedded below.