Between all the responsibilities related to work, home and child-rearing, I haven’t had all that much free time to myself these last few months. Even so, I want to read more and the only way that I’ll be able to do that is if I grant myself the freedom to do so. To this end, while I am not entirely sure how long it will take me to finish reading all the books my current reading list, it is something that I endeavor to do.
Zen Pencils: Written and illustrated by Gavin Aung Than, Zen Pencils is a curated collection of the “cartoon quotes from inspiration folks” that Gavin posts up on his identically-named website. They’re beautiful and thought-provoking. It’s great to have a physical copy in my hands like this.
Listen to the Squawking Chicken
Manhood for Amateurs: You may remember when I quoted an excerpt from Michael Chabon’s book for a Sunday Snippet post late last year. Yes, I’m still trying to make my way through this book that explores the “pleasures and regrets of a husband, father and son.”
Sum Yung Guys: As a kid, I was far more interested in “being Canadian” than I was in my Chinese heritage. As I get older, though, I do want to learn more about the history of Vancouver’s Chinatown and Edwin Lee discusses his own experiences through this memoir.
Seconds: It’s a little cheating to say that this third major work from Bryan Lee O’Malley is on my current reading list, as I had just completed the graphic novel last week. If you liked Scott Pilgrim and want to see the equally creative, but more mature journey of a young adult, you’ll enjoy Seconds.
What are you reading these days?