Inevitably, you’re going to make a lot of decisions in your life. Some of them will be of the “do you want fries with that?” variety, while others will have far greater ramifications that extend well beyond the lunch hour. Looking back at my own life, I’ve made several of these kinds of choices, but it may seem difficult to say which is the “best” decision of my life.

When I made my way to university over a decade ago, I put myself down a path to choose a particular major. Going in, I thought I was going to get a degree in commerce. Instead, I ended up majoring in Psychology and taking up a minor in English Literature. These were some big decisions, but I don’t think they were necessarily the “best” decisions of my life. I could have gone in many other directions, several of which could have been more lucrative or offered a completely different lifestyle.

And then, after graduation, I tried my hand at a “regular” full-time job, but I felt it was lacking something. So, I took the monumental step of making another decision: start my career in freelance writing. That choice has very much shaped the last few years of my life, heavily influencing the kind of lifestyle that I lead, the types of people that I meet, and the way that I perceive the rest of the world. While I am very happy with the choice of leaping head-first into freelancing, I don’t think it’s the best decision I’ve made either.

Eyeing the Bevies

No. It’s actually very easy for me to say what is the best decision that I have ever made in my life and that initial decision came several years ago. It was when I decided to ask Susanne to be my date for our high school graduation dinner and dance.

It was that decision that has very much colored how my life has turned out since then. It was that decision that helped me overcome some of the hardships at school. It was that decision that gave me the courage to start freelancing. It was that decision that paved the way to home ownership. And it was that decision that led me to getting down on one knee. And I have no regrets about that decision whatsoever.

You see, we make many decisions each and every day. Some of them don’t work out, but the ones that do make life all the more worthwhile.

So, what is the best decision that you have ever made in your life?