It’s time for another session of What’s Up Wednesdays. As you may already know, this is something that I do once a week (every Wednesday, as it turns out), linking to some of the best blog posts from the few days that have just passed us by. Sometimes I keep a theme, other times I select a random collection. Today, it’s the latter category. If you want to be featured in a future edition of What’s Up Wednesdays, be sure to follow me on Twitter and let me know about your best post on Tuesday evening. On with the blogo-tour!
Jennifer Mattern is a fellow freelance writer, but she’s not so sure that the freelance route is appropriate for everyone. Even if you want to break into the world of professional blogging, you may want to consider a full-time position with a single company instead. There are certainly advantages and disadvantages to either approach, so check out which strategy suits you best.
Tyler Ingram may have been inspired by the recent talk surrounding Twitter etiquette, because he has learned the hard way that you should always be wary of your Twitter use. The microblogging platform is very much a public forum, so going on a rant about your boss or significant other can only come back to bite you in the rear end. Don’t say anything on Twitter that you wouldn’t say to the person’s face.
Free Money Finance may have the ticket for those of you who have been recently laid off and in search of a new position. The article outlines more unconventional ways to get a job. You could certainly surf the usual channels, like online classifieds, but don’t forget about capitalizing on the Twitter community or even renting a billboard to find new work.
Consumerism Commentary clarifies an issue that may be burning a hole in your mind. Do you know how to claim the $8000 home buy tax credit? This applies to the Americans in the audience, but it goes to show you that you should do your research before taking advantage of tax benefits. There are certain rules in place that you need to follow and not all purchases are eligible for the tax credit.
Betshopboy finishes off today’s post with something that is a little more light-hearted and little more challenging. If you check out the image embedded in his post, can you find the letter M? There is one image associated to each letter of the alphabet, but the slot corresponding to M appears to be missing. I wonder where it scurried and squeaked.
I liked Tyler’s post on Twitter. I have always been careful about what I say on the internet because, as her says, it can come back to bite you.
I write in general terms, but I do use work related items for my Educational Technology blog. I also don’t criticize decisions that the school, the school board or it’s members make. I also don’t give away things that we may be doing on a district level.
If you really need to tweet and rant about your boss or significant other or to unleash your wrath or condemnation on anybody without having to worry about the implications, you can always tweet your secret @secrettweet.
Thanks for the shoutout Michael.
I feel so lucky to have my post to finally be included in your “What’s Up Wednesday?” post.
Hope you and your readers have some fun and light hearted moments looking for ‘M’.
The hint that you gave is ever so “subtle”.