C’mon, you know you want to.
I’ve said many times before that you shouldn’t let the haters get you down, but I never thought that someone would resort to physical violence against me for my freelance writing and expert reviewing skills. All kidding aside, Betshopboy has decided to feature yours truly in a Flash-based video game. And it’s a first-person shooter… sort of.
The timing of the Halloween-themed shooting game is a little off, but it’s still loads of fun. My face pops out from a number of different graves and then you must whip out your shotgun and blow my bloody brains out. Although there are some cartoony guts flying in every which direction, this Flash game is not nearly as graphic as Halo 3. Getting shot in the virtual face might be a little less painful than getting kicked in the chest and falling down a bottomless pit.
For more snazzy games featuring a blogger you may know, go ahead and play the fame game at Betshopboy’s blog. You can even make some linkbait custom games of your own while you’re at it.
Bashing or shotting someone(especially your nemesis) in the face should be timeless fun, and not restricted to certain events or festivals.
I didn’t set out to “shoot you in the face” by featuring you in this mini game. I hope you don’t take it personally as it was all done in jest.
A long time dream of mine has just been realized.
Take that, ya Canadian shmuck.
I knew you’d get a kick of this… because you would never have an opportunity to kick my ass in real life. 🙂
Sorry. Coulnd’t resist… 🙂
Got 104, but I didn’t realize that shooting the clocks would give you more time 🙁
I got 153 and it was a good score though i missed the first few clocks as i am not sure whether to shoot or not.
I never realized shooting Michael Kwan in the face would be so much fun! 🙂