Just a friendly reminder that the free t-shirt contest ends tomorrow. Since posting up the first reminder a few days ago, I’ve received three new entries and they are…
- Michael McKinlay
- Jason (Foximus)
- Oubipaws
If no one else enters, each of those guys has a 33.3% chance! Gotta love those odds, considering that it takes 30 seconds of effort to enter. You want in? Then read the contest details here.
Just noticed you now have a mybloglog image Michael..is that the Silver Surfer??
I’ve actually had one from the beginning, it’s just that I’m not usually logged into my MyBlogLog account. I should really start doing that again.
And no, it’s not Silver Surfer (though that would be timely). It’s Rodin’s Thinker.
From Wikipedia: “The Thinker (French: Le Penseur) is a bronze and marble sculpture by Auguste Rodin. It depicts a man in sober meditation battling with a powerful internal struggle. It is sometimes used to represent philosophy.” I thought it was well suited for the concept of going “beyond the rhetoric.”
Go win that T-Shirt People! He swears he didn’t put it on 😀