When I first started out with PayPerPost, I thought that it was one of the greatest ways for a relatively small blog to make money online. After all, they had very low entrance requirements and there were an abundance of opportunities. You could write about UK credit cards if that’s what tickled your fancy, or you could jump into the octagon and participate in mixed martial arts. And because it was up to you, the blogger, to pick and choose what you wanted to write about, income potential was virtually limitless. Contrast this to services like ReviewMe where you have to wait for the advertiser to come to you.

I don’t plan on leaving PayPerPost any time soon, but this latest email made me just a little peeved. Flash back to earlier this week when I got an email saying that I couldn’t run Kontera ContentLink ads on paid posts. I understood the logic behind that, because the ads that “pop up” would obscure the content and thereby make it more difficult for readers to click on the links leading to the paid advertiser’s site. I was unhappy that I had to remove Kontera from PPP posts, but I understood the reasoning.

Well, the email that I received this morning took the Nazi-ism one step further. Now they’re telling me that I can’t run Google Adsense on paid posts, because there shouldn’t be any “other” ads within the post that the sponsor paid for. Here is the email in its entirety:

REFERENCE NUMBER: LTK9108046084X Please use this ticket number in any correspondence with us.
SUBJECT: Re: Your Post Has Been Rejected.

Hello Michael,

Thank you for contacting us. You are allowed to run Google Adsense ads on the page, but they cannot appear within the post itself. The reason for this is that the advertisers are paying for that post, so there shouldn’t be other ads within that space that the advertiser has paid for. I’m sorry about any confusion this may have caused. If you have any other questions, please submit a ticket to www.payperpost.com/support .

Thank You!

========== Original Message ==========

From: Michael Kwan <>
Subject: Re: Your Post Has Been Rejected.

So, I’m not allowed to run Google Adsense on these posts? When did this change occur?

On 4/19/07, support@payperpost.com wrote:
> Dear Michael Kwan,
> This is a notification to let you know that your post, Blogger’s Choice Awards , at url https://btr.michaelkwan.com/2007/04/14/bloggers-choice-awards.aspx, has been rejected for the following reason(s):
> ——————————
> Thank you for your post!
> While your post is great, ToS states that ads must not obstruct the view of the post, which means that ads must not come after the post title or before the post ends. Please revise the elements so that they appear before or after the post, so that viewers do not mistake the links of the ads for links of the post.
> Thank you!
> Cyn
> ——————————
> Please log into PayPerPost.com (https://payperpost.com/login) to either correct this issue and resubmit the post or to delete the post.
> If this post is not corrected within 3 days, it will be deleted.
> Thank you,
> The PayPerPost Team

The strange thing is that my post about the Blogger’s Choice Awards is the only one that has ever encountered any trouble. All other paid posts have been approved without a hitch, even if they contained Adsense and Kontera. It seems that other sponsors are more interested in the backlinks than anything else, whereas posts sponsored by PayPerPost itself… well, they’re a little more stringent.

I can just see Ed Lau coming in here now to remind me that “this is why PPP sucks.” Sigh. I guess I’ll just have to avoid opps sponsored by PPP itself.