Well, I just found the first snag if you were thinking about (or are already) running Kontera ContentLink ads on your blog or website. It appears that PayPerPost will not work with Kontera, because the ads that pop-up “obstruct” things on the page, reducing the value of the post for the paid advertiser. How did I find this out? Well, my recent blog entry on the Blogger’s Choice Awards got rejected for this very reason.
Here’s the email I received from PayPerPost earlier today:
Dear Michael Kwan,
This is a notification to let you know that your post, Bloggerโs Choice Awards , at url https://btr.michaelkwan.com/2007/04/14/bloggers-choice-awards.aspx, has been rejected for the following reason(s):
Thank you for your post!While the content of your post is fine, we cannot accept it because of the content link ads. Elements of a post cannot be obstructed by anything on the page. There should not be ads for other sites within the opportunity post, as the advertiser is paying for that post. Please make the appropriate changes and resubmit.
Thank You!
——————————Please log into PayPerPost.com (https://payperpost.com/login) to either correct this issue and resubmit the post or to delete the post.
If this post is not corrected within 3 days, it will be deleted.Thank you,
The PayPerPost Team
They don’t seem to have a problem with you linking to other blogs or even running Google Adsense alongside the paid post, so long as these outbound links (and ads) do not “obstruct” the content. Fair enough, but how do you get around this problem?
Well, when you log into your Kontera account, you will notice that they have an “implementation guide” (found under Toolbox) that helps you customize how their ContentLink ads appear on your site. You can either define where the ads will appear or define where the ads won’t appear. It is the latter that is of interest to us here.
At the beginning of the post, before any content is written, you will need to put <span name=KonaFilter>. When you’re all done, you will need to close that tag by placing </span> at the end of your post. Pretty straightforward, but it’s one extra step you will now have to take when you gobble up a PPP opportunity.
Thank you, Michael,
Finally… I found the answer here. I have been checking around about how to put this Kontera Links into my non PPP posts.
Hee..he…go and fix it now.
Thanks again.
I had to do a little hunting too before I found that line of code. It’s right at the bottom of the implementation guide (I guess they don’t want you to NOT show their ads).
Interesting. So I guess Kontera on my personal page is out. Oh well. I’ll put it on my mommy blog.