I can’t speak to their quality, but you certainly can’t beat the price. After all, to get your site hosted at my10gb.com, you don’t have to fork out a single penny. It is absolutely free. What’s more, if you’re not stuck on having your own domain name (although that is part of the dot com mogul checklist), you can even get a free parking spot on their site. Otherwise, go ahead and do the domain registration with someone like BlueFur and then get the free hosting from my10gb.

As their name implies, my10gb gives you ten gigabytes of online storage. The rest of specs read as thus: 20 gb bandwidth, PHP 4 support, FTP support, 99,98 % uptime. Naturally, there are restrictions. While there are no ads or nasty pop-ups to be found anywhere on your site, they do restrict file size to one megabyte and disallow the uploading of MP3 and ZIP files. As such, I think it’s a good solution for the amateur blogger: get domain registration elsewhere for less than ten bucks and you’ve got yourself a blog.

Thanks to King Nomar for digging up this deal. And no, this post is not sponsored by my10gb and I am in no way endorsing their product (I haven’t tried it myself), but I just thought I’d pass along the news since everyone can stand to save a buck.