What's Up Wednesdays: Twiddling Thumbs

People in Vancouver like to talk a lot about two topics in particular: real estate and weather. If you’re trying to make sense of the former relative to what it’s like to earn a regular wage in this city, Jens von Bergmann has analyzed the data on rising property costs in Vancouver and come to a stark conclusion. You can make just as much money (if not more money) twiddling your thumbs while owning a house than you can going out to work a regular job. There are some holes in the argument, like factoring in mortgage interest and property tax, but it’s still a fascinating look at our strange bubble.

And while you’re hanging around your million dollar house in Vancouver, you might question the color of the thumbs you are twiddling. To this end, Lisa Longworth explores her capacity for having green thumbs for taking care of her house plants. While she is “not the best at taking care of them,” she is trying her best not to kill them. Lisa has since realized that a certain furry companion has been sabotaging her botanical efforts all along.

I’ve been learning to embrace my role as a stay-at-home dad while balancing my responsibilities as a small business owner and entrepreneur. Even if you don’t decide to go at it full time, Tracy O’Connor is encouraging stay-at-home parents to think about working part time. Part of it has to do with money, of course, but it also has to do with personal fulfillment and maintaining your employable status for when the kids grow up.

Are you in the market for a new and fashionable way to cart around the little rugrat in your life? Tamara Goyette offers her comprehensive review of a fancy Bugaboo stroller by Diesel Denim. As you might guess, the fabric here feels like “soft worn denim and looks like your favourite part of broken in jeans.” You can use it at least a couple of configurations too. Just be aware that high-end strollers like this can be very expensive; this particular example is over $1,500.

And finally, my friend Cathy Browne recently took in the opportunity to attend the special Ravens, Eagles and Polka Dots fashion show. The new clothing collection, which was showcased at Skwachays Lodge Hotel and Gallery, celebrates the local area Haida heritage with prominent raven and eagle imagery. The polka dots provide a dash of contemporary whimsy. I’d say this clothing line gets a thumbs up, wouldn’t you?