The Top Thinkers of Beyond the Rhetoric

Every month, I put together a quick blog post to thank and to acknowledge the folks who posted the most comments on this blog. The top five for March 2013 have a couple of guys who were also on the February 2013 list, but it’s nice to see a few differences too. Let’s see who ended up on top last month.

Once again, Ray Ebersole claims the throne as the top thinker on Beyond the Rhetoric. Digging into the archives on his site, I came across a post from two years ago where Ray discusses what he learned that day. There are many people who are able to identify the problems in the world. Politicians point out the problems of their rivals, but never really give a solution. Don’t be a complainer; be a problem solver. Be an effective person.

Next, we have Jim Cullen. The post is also from a couple of years ago, but it’s actually quite relevant today. He talks about the myth of the Retina Display and how 300ppi isn’t really a “magic” number. That’s because Steve Jobs said it was the magic number at a specified distance. As we move toward larger 5-inch 1080p smartphones, the assumption is that you’ll hold the device further away from your eyes and, thus, you don’t need a pixel density of 300ppi to achieve the same “retina” effect.

Somewhat taking a page out of my local tourist book, we have Betshopboy being a “local tourist” in Singapore by visiting the world’s largest aquarium. He has some pretty great photos from the S.E.A. Aquarium, including a shipwreck habitat that shows how a “splintered hull” can be converted into a “thriving marine sanctuary.” From jellyfish to goliath groupers, the aquarium looks like a great place for children and adults alike.

You might know Allan Schroeder from some of the work he does on MEGATechNews, but he is even more active as a professional photographer. Have a look at the architecture gallery on his site to get a sense of the kinds of pictures he is able to take. I know that he does a fair bit of work with realtors, for example, helping them snap just the right shots for their real estate listings.

Last but not least, we have Janey rounding out the top five for the month of March. She didn’t provide a website URL, so I can’t link to anything of hers. I think this might be the first time on Beyond the Rhetoric that a top thinker didn’t provide a website!