What's Up Thursdays: Day Late Edition

Since I wrote about my holiday in Cancun yesterday, I let the usual “What’s Up Wednesdays” speedlink slip an extra day. And so, here we are with What’s Up Thursdays instead. We’re a day late, but hopefully we’re not a dollar short. The game is the same, so let’s get this underway.

A short while back, a film crew came out to shoot a CBC documentary on Dot Com Pho and John Chow. Vance Sova has a write-up on that experience, which also happened to be the biggest Dot Com Pho in years. It’s nice to see that our networking lunches are going to be featured on a nationwide TV network!

My good friend Dylan Duarte makes no qualms about it: he is “totally fat with a capital diabetes.” That’s why it’s so fascinating that he decided to write a review on exercise. His professional lifestyle is not unlike mine, being spent hours on end in front of a computer. He’s trying to get in better shape, but he’s “feeling the burn and burning sucks.” How about we all give him a little encouragement?

Are you looking to clear out some clutter and make some extra money this summer? Trent Hamm offers up some useful tips for having a great yard sale. Color-coded stickers are an easy way to clearly price your items, but you could have different price sheets that offer better deals as the weekend progresses. Sell some of your neighbor’s things on consignment for some extra cash too.

When you’re in a city where it’s winter eight months out of the year, indoor activities are invaluable. Buzz Bishop isn’t exactly pleased with the high admission prices at Telus Spark, but he’s willing to suck it up for the good of his two boys. It looks a lot like Science World Telus World of Science here in Vancouver with plenty of “hands-on” learning opportunities. Who said learning couldn’t be fun?

And finally, we have Jamie Hale who discusses the effects of caffeine on your thinking. Studies seem to indicate that caffeine can enhance alertness, response inhibition and sustained attention. And so, it appears that coffee is good for you in moderation, but it can have a negative impact with higher doses. You might want to stay away from having those three Ventis every day.