Wednesday. Also known as hump day. Also known as the day that I take a look around the blogosphere to see what bloggers have had to say this week. It’s a pretty eclectic bunch of blog posts that I’m sharing today, but they all (save one) have attended a Dot Com Pho gathering at some point in the past. I’ll let you figure out who is the odd one out.

Lesley Chang markets herself as a starving college girl, so it makes sense that she is always looking for a bargain. That’s partly why she is telling us about an alternative daily deals site. Today’s deal, interestingly enough, is for one-dollar gelato and the full proceeds of that buck go to support the Greater Vancouver Food Bank Society.

Minna Van hasn’t exactly had the easiest road toward entrepreneurship, but no one has. She is now teaching us that you choose your destiny by choosing your team. Surround yourself with the right people and you have a much greater chance of success. Surround yourself with the wrong people and you may be better off walking away while you can.

Josh Rimer takes a few minutes to discuss some of the top trending topics on Twitter, both in blog post and video form. On Monday, everyone complained about Monday, let us know what it means to be gangsta, and shared their enthusiasm for Boardwalk Empire. HBO always makes great dramas!

Ed Lau isn’t exactly the most patient of people and he was not at all inclined to line up for hours on end. Even so, he has finally received his iPhone 4. There are still people who line up in the wee hours of the night to get their hands on one of these smartphones. On the bright side, Ed’s enjoying his new toy.

Bonnie Sainsbury has been able to do quite well for herself as a social media consultant, but that doesn’t mean she’s unwilling to share a few secrets. For instance, a recent post describes how to use Twitter to explode your online profits. Other social media marketing tactics are outlined too.