Fun British Columbia Facts for BC Day

Today is BC Day here in British Columbia and it is a Civic Holiday in many other parts of the country as well. Just as we celebrate our nation’s history and diversity on Canada Day, we should also do the same on the provincial scale. That’s partly why I’m taking most of today off from work; okay, maybe I was just looking for an excuse.

Last year, I shared some fun facts about BC, so I thought I’d add to that list with a few more interesting tidbits about our gorgeous province. Our license plates don’t say Beautiful British Columbia for nothing!

  • The Colony of British Columbia was formally established and designated in 1858, thanks to the huge influx of Fraser Canyon Gold Rush hopefuls.
  • New Westminster was named as the area’s first capital.
  • BC has had the third largest population in the country since 1951. Ontario and Quebec have always been first and second, respectively.
  • Most of the land (and water) in BC is still wild or semi-wild, providing much space for wildlife to thrive.
  • Several mammalian species that have become rare (or nonexistent) in the USA continue to flourish in BC, like the Kermode bear (spirit bear), marmots, beavers, and coyotes.

Do you have a fun BC fact to share? That’s what the comment form at the bottom is for! 🙂 Enjoy your holiday.