Learn How to Make Pho with Jimmy Chu and Phuc Dat Bich

It’s become a tradition around these parts for dot com moguls and other online entrepreneurs to get together every Saturday for some Dot Com Pho. While there are a few occasions where we deviate from Vietnamese noodles, opting instead to eat from a toilet, the pho rice noodle has become a staple for freelance writers and Internet marketers alike.

Unfortunately, there is no Dot Com Pho this week. As you may have heard, Ed Lau is off in Japan harassing the locals for the next couple of months, so he’s not around to eat lunch with us. John Chow is on his way to Lincoln, Nebraska to participate in the Top Affiliate Challenge for the next two weeks. And Stephen Fung is missing in action today, possibly trying to entertain the people of Surrey or Langley for some reason.

With three of the key players out of commission, we decided to cancel our weekly get together. We’ll see how things pan out for next week.

In lieu of our usual on-screen heroics and antics, I present to you a comical representation of how pho is made, as hosted by Jimmy Chew and Phuc Dat Bich. Let me warn you that the language is a little green in the video embedded below and sensitive types may be a little offended by the representation of the characters. With that out of the way, enjoy the satire and have a beautiful weekend.

[Flash/Javascript needed. Go to Beyond the Rhetoric if you can’t see the video.]