Remember years ago when we were wowed by a chimpanzee that learned how to do sign language, essentially giving the furry primate the ability to communicate with us, the less hairy primate? It was quite the feat not only for the trainers involved, but for the animal itself. Human beings aren’t as special as we think we are, really, even when it comes to amusing ourselves. Get your head out of the gutter, I’m talking about video games. Check out the video below, and you’ll see that we aren’t the only ones that can get a kick out of gobbling up little white orbs.

Now this video is far from being confirmed as being for real — it could very well be an elaborate hoax/ploy; after all, the vid is being touted around the internet by random people like myself — but it sure seems interesting to watch a chimpanzee play Ms. Pac-Man. It’s not exactly Metal Gear Solid, Halo, or Sid Meier’s Civilization, but it is a definite step up from the days of Pong.

In this video, the chimp manages to collect a bunch of white orbs, even making a bee-line for the bigger white dots that turn the ghosts into fleeing blue wimps. He (she?) avoids Pinky and the rest of the ghosts while they’re in attack mode, but is (relatively) quick to chase after them for bonus points as soon as they’re blue. He (she?) may not be the best Ms. Pac-Man player, but neither was I growing up.

A hoax? Maybe, but amusing? Definitely.